For Sunday the 5th of August - 9:00am

One of the most confronting realities that we must deal with as human beings is that, by our own effort, nothing that we do will last forever. No matter how clever we are, no matter how much effort we go to, no matter how wealthy, or attractive, or practical we may be, we must all face the reality of our own death, and of the ultimate frustration of our dreams and plans.

This apparently depressing reality is the theme of one of the most unusual books of the Bible: Ecclesiastes. This Sunday we will be hearing a reading from Ecclesiastes, and we will be thinking through how acknowledging our limitations and frustrations can be helpful in gaining wisdom, and so in receiving joy in life through simple things like work, food and drink, and family. We will also be thinking about how Jesus gives us a gift that is eternal: God’s love for us. In receiving this gift we are able to love each other, and to reap the harvest of this love in eternity.

This Sunday we will be meeting at 9:00am. The Sunday school will be meeting at about 9:45am.

God’s peace,

Fraser Pearce, Pastor

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