Sunday 3 January - 9am

One of the great causes of conflict in this world is the suspicion and animosity that can exist between people of different skin colours, languages, and customs. Sometimes it can seem as if there is no hope for reconciliation among people of different races – it can seem as if harmful conflict is an unstoppable reality.

This Sunday we will be hearing a reading from the Bible that deals with the way God creates unity among people of very different ethnic backgrounds. As we think through this reading, we will consider how God leads us to share our lives with people who are different from us.

This Sunday we will meet at 9:00am for a service with Holy Communion. The Sunday school is in recess during the holidays.

God’s blessings to you,

Fraser Pearce, Pastor

Thursday December 31 - 7:30pm

There will be a short service this New Year's Eve at the church at 7:30pm.

Christmas Services

The Christmas services at Bendigo this year are:

Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols: 7:30pm

Christmas Day Service with Communion: 10:00am

God bless you as you celebrate the Lord's birth!

Sunday 20 December 9:00am

Sorry about the late post!

Sunday 13 December - 10am

It can be easy for Christian people to become complacent – to live with the attitude that because God is merciful and forgiving, it doesn’t matter what we say or do. But if we live with this attitude, we can soon find that our relationships with other people and with God are seriously damaged.

This Sunday we will hear a reading from the Bible that helps us to think about the sort of lifestyle that God wants to give us. As we think through what the Bible says, we will consider how God’s mercy and forgiveness empower us to deal justly and lovingly with other people, and so to live with insight into the importance of our words and actions.

This Sunday we will meet at 10:00am for a service with Holy Communion. In the first part of the service the children will be retelling the story of Christmas.

God’s blessings to you,

Fraser Pearce, Pastor

Sunday 6 November 9:00am

It’s one thing to welcome an honored guest into our home; it’s another to welcome a cleaner. With the honored guest we want to put on our best face; to cover up the imperfections with the state of our home; and to avoid discussing the problems of our family life. With a cleaner we are much less likely to be worried about appearances – in fact we may even be willing to show the cleaner those very parts of the house that are messiest, in the hope that they’ll help clean things up.

Thinking about this aspect of everyday life can help us understand what the Bible says about welcoming God. Although God is the most honored guest in life, we do not need to hide our imperfections or problems. This is because God comes to help us – to clean up what is messy, and to heal what is hurt.

This Sunday we will meet at 9:00am for a service with Holy Communion. At this service we will think through what it means to welcome God – and we will ask for God’s help in our lives. The Sunday school will meet at about 9:45am.

God’s peace to you,

Fraser Pearce, Pastor