For Sunday the 12th of October - 10:00am

Whenever human beings get together, conflict will sooner or later arise. We see this reality in families, clubs, political associations, and also within churches. If the conflict is not dealt with, then divisions can form that may, in time, lead to the tearing apart of communities.


This Sunday we will be hearing a reading from the Bible that addresses conflict between two women in a Christian congregation. As we listen to this reading, we will consider how this conflict was dealt with, and we will think through how we can deal with the stress and anxiety that conflict can cause in our own lives. We will especially think about the way Christ’s presence with us can bring us peace when we feel anxious.


This Sunday we will be meeting at 10:00am for a service with Holy Communion. The Sunday school will meet at about 10:45am.

After morning tea we will be having our congregational meeting to discuss the renovation of the kitchen.

God’s peace to you,


Fraser Pearce, Pastor

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