For Sunday the 4th of November - 9:00am
This Sunday Glen Schier will be leading the Service with Communion, and preaching on the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. Sunday school will be at about 9:45am.
God's peace,
Fraser Pearce, pastor
This is a blogsite that gives information about the services and other activities of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Bendigo.
This Sunday Glen Schier will be leading the Service with Communion, and preaching on the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. Sunday school will be at about 9:45am.
God's peace,
Fraser Pearce, pastor
Posted by Fraser Pearce 0 comments
Bendigo Lutheran Church
One serious danger that we face when we try to keep God’s laws and commands is that we can become proud and judgmental. Instead of praying for other people, and offering them help when they have need, we can treat them as competitors for God’s love, and we can smugly think that because we have done well in aspects of our life, then God somehow loves us more than others.
This Sunday we will be hearing a parable that Jesus told to those who trusted in their own goodness, and who held others in contempt. As we listen to this parable, we will consider the warning that Jesus is giving us, and we will also consider the way the parable frees us to see all people as deeply loved by God.
This Sunday we will be meeting at 10:00am -and don’t forget daylight saving! The Sunday school will be meeting at about 10:45am.
God’s peace to you,
Fraser Pearce, Pastor
Posted by Fraser Pearce 0 comments
Bendigo Lutheran Church
Prayer comes naturally to most human beings – even to those who have not heard much about God, or who have never been given good examples of prayer. In the church we have learned to pray from Jesus, and the Lord’s Prayer gives us good words to use when we turn to God in our need. Yet often we can feel like giving up on prayer, especially if we think that God doesn’t listen to us, or that we are not worthy of having our prayer’s answered.
This Sunday we will be hearing a parable that Jesus told his disciples, so that they would persevere in prayer, and not give up. As we listen to this parable, we will think about the way it gives us encouragement to trust that God does listen to our heartfelt words, even when we experience doubt, or when we know that we do not deserve the help that we ask for.
This Sunday we will be meeting at 9:00am for a service with Holy Communion. The Sunday school will meet at about 9:45am.
God’s peace,
Fraser Pearce, Pastor
Posted by Fraser Pearce 0 comments
It’s normal for human beings to live with a ‘tribal’ mentality – to live as if the only people who count are those who look, think, talk, and act like us. This tribal mentality can find expression also in religion, especially when we think that God is only on our side, and that those who are outside of our religious community are less than human.
This Sunday we will be hearing readings from the Bible that describe God’s acts of mercy and generosity to those outside his special communities. As we hear these readings we will consider how God blesses faith wherever it is found, and how we as Christian people are called by God to be humble in our attitude toward God and toward all people.
This Sunday we will be meeting at 10:00am for a service with Holy Communion. The Sunday school will be meeting at about 10:45am.
God’s peace,
Fraser Pearce, Pastor
Posted by Fraser Pearce 0 comments